

About me


XSEED: Inform. Inspire. Support
A cloud application that helps you discover, map and pursue your life’s aspirations

About the project

Microsoft Firenze BXT is an annual student innovation competition which brings together multidisciplinary teams from top universities to tackle real-world problems. BXT stands for business, Experience (Design) and Technology.

The competition (3 weeks) challenged students to create the next generation service helping people in their next career metamorphosis. The target audience was the millennial generation (college students 18-22 years) who grew up on the internet with free information available to consume and share.

Our research with the target audience (students on campus, young adults doing part-time jobs, skype interviews) and experts (high school teachers) pointed out that this generation needs inspiration, personalized information and constant motivation to pursue their interests. They have multiple interests but don't have focussed and relevant guidance to go ahead.

Our team developed xseed which is a cloud based solution that informs, inspires and supports users in the discovery and pursuit of new knowledge.

Project team
Celine Ramoni, Jennifer Briselli, Somya Jampala, Varun Arora
Microsoft Firenze BXT 2012, Carnegie Mellon University